Submit a manuscript
Before sending your manuscript
Have you followed some basic rules?
Is your work finished? But have you thought about using Word's spell checker, which is essential for an initial correction?
Then, to have the most readable text possible, use one of the two proofreaders available on the market: Antidote (average price €94) or ProLexis (average price €60) or use the services of a professional proofreader-corrector. Don't forget that in traditional publishing houses, five to eight proofreaders work on each work.
Grammar and spelling will make you gain credibility and professionalism. These are additional sales. For the reader, since form and content are often associated, they are the guarantee of a quality work.
For the layout, only manage the chapter breakdown and the summary. We take care of the layout.
Have you thought about what will sell your book?
Does your book have a large number of pages? Have you been prolific? Why not write several volumes, which will allow the reader to order the second volume as soon as the first is finished, and why not… the whole series? This will also allow you to boost your sales and better retain your reader.
The title, the back cover, the chapter you choose are essential: how does a reader usually choose a book in a bookstore? If you are not yet Victor Hugo or Hergé, he will first be intrigued by the cover: the title and the photo; he will skim the back cover. And, if he likes it, he will leaf through... and possibly read a few pages. So take particular care in choosing the title, the design of your cover and the summary you will make of your work, the back cover and your mini CV. Finally, your photo will be the last trigger to allow the reader to make the purchase.
To send your manuscript
Send your manuscript by email to:

Have you thought about what will sell your book?
Does your book have a large number of pages? Have you been prolific? Why not write several volumes, which will allow the reader to order the second volume as soon as the first is finished, and why not… the whole series? This will also allow you to boost your sales and better retain your reader.
The title, the back cover, the chapter you choose are essential: how does a reader usually choose a book in a bookstore? If you are not yet Victor Hugo or Hergé, he will first be intrigued by the cover: the title and the photo; he will skim the back cover. And, if he likes it, he will leaf through... and possibly read a few pages. So take particular care in choosing the title, the design of your cover and the summary you will make of your work, the back cover and your mini CV. Finally, your photo will be the last trigger to allow the reader to make the purchase.
To send your manuscript
Send your manuscript by email to:
Before sending your manuscript