Michel de Nostredame, called Nostradamus, born on December 14, 1503 in Saint-Rémy-de-Provence died on July 2, 1566 in Salon-de-Provence.
A French apothecary, a follower of astrology like all his colleagues during the Renaissance, he published famous predictions, the Prophecies .
They contributed to his fame to the point that Queen Catherine de Medici called him to court and appointed him physician and advisor to the king.
Nostradamus was one of the most esteemed physicians of his time: for years, he traveled throughout Provence to treat many sick people. To protect against the plague, Nostradamus had recommended the use of a "sovereign scented powder to chase away pestilential odors", a prophylactic herbal medicine.
In 1546, a delegation from the city of Aix came to find him to help their city decimated by the plague and save them from "Provençal anthrax". And in all places where an epidemic broke out, he was requested, as in Lyon in 1547 or in the regions where epidemics were reported.
Nostradamus - The Prophecies (literal text)
The Prophecies have come down to us through hundreds of editions, the complexity of Nostradamus' language (a mixture of French, Latin and Occitan) having led to all sorts of translations, not to mention the more or less haphazard interpretations that have been drawn from them.
However, no essay or interpretation can replace reading it, an obligatory confrontation with the authentic text.
Since several editions have been considered pirated or backdated, it is generally accepted that the edition dated September 1557 was actually published during Nostradamus' lifetime. Subsequent editions of the text of the Prophecies amplify typographical errors and other typos, as well as additions and apocryphal texts.
In order to preserve the quality of the text, this version is in no way intended to be a translation (and even less an interpretation!), but a literal transcription of the facsimile of the 1557 edition.
Two complementary works, also published by AlterPublishing, present: the facsimile of the 1557 edition and the modernized transcription of this edition.
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